Fraud Alert! Are You Really Who You Pretend to Be?

Fraud Alert! Are You Really Who You Pretend to Be?

I almost started a blog 15 times, at least…then didn’t.

You’ve probably heard that two of the most powerful words one can speak are “I Am”. Anything that comes next creates your life.

Welp, I’m here to tell you that there’s an even more potent grouping: “I Am Not.” The words that follow disintegrate your life.

I didn’t start my blog because, you guessed it, I am not a writer. I didn’t find my path as a visual creative until my 40s because I am not an artist. And on and on…

If you didn’t care about how your family, friends, or society might judge you, who would you be? Who is the real you that’s waiting to be unleashed?

Would you dress the same? Eat the same things? Live in the same place? Would you travel more? Would you write that book? Would you have the same job? Date/ marry the same person?

What have you given up because you told yourself, “I am not…”?

Your identity was programmed long ago by people and experiences you didn’t get to plan.

Now, imagine who you can be if you gave up the lies about who you are not.

That’s what brought me here. It’s time to stop being a fraud. I choose to start right here, right now, with what I have.

I am an artist.

I am a poet.

I am a writer.

Who are you, really?

Hi, I’m Jonesy. Follow this space for inspiration, art, poetry, and golden nuggets on mindset.

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